

Habitat Management and Restoration Services

ACS Habitat Management offers clients a wide range of habitat restoration services with our in-house crews and equipment. With decades of experience in the field, we are your one-stop shop for all your habitat restoration and management needs.

Restoration and Vegetation Management Services

Nonnative Invasive Plant Control and Biomass Removal

We develop and implement innovative approaches to weed control that achieve high success rates while ensuring minimal impact on natural resources. Our company provides a full range of services including herbicide treatments, biomass reduction using tractors and handheld equipment, and biomass removal.


Native Plant Installation and Maintenance

We successfully implement native revegetation projects annually in many habitats including riparian, upland, and coastal sage scrub environment. Whether the project involves a few hundred to tens of thousands of container plants, we have you covered. Even if it ranges from seeding one fourth to more than a hundred acres, we will provide a comprehensive list of native vegetation restoration services, including:

  • Plant Palette Research and Development
  • Propagating of Native Seedlings and Cuttings at Our Facility
  • Site Prep, Seeding, and Native Plant Installation
  • Success Criteria Establishment and Monitoring
  • Watering and Scheduled Maintenance

Vernal Pool Development, Restoration, and Maintenance

Our company develops, restores, and maintains vernal pools that are home to the endangered San Diego fairy shrimp. We offer services that meet the regulatory requirements of both the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) and US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) while establishing successful vernal pool habitats.

Our expert equipment operators can deftly create or recontour pools for mitigation purposes. The year-round maintenance of the pools is then handled by our capable field technicians and biologists.

Management Services

Our company is an industry leader in GIS mapping. This process is involved in wildland habitat restoration, developing GPS field mapping protocols, GIS techniques, and geodatabase design for several local, regional, and federal agencies.

We use the latest Esri ArcGIS software, sub-meter and sub-foot GPS devices, and ruggedized tablet PCs to provide the following geospatial data services:

  • GPS and GIS Data Collection on the Field
  • Geodatabase and Metadata Design and Management
  • GIS Data Interpretation for Land Managers
  • Cartographic Services for Reports, Vegetation Management Plans, and Presentations